Saturday, August 6, 2022


I'm still working on the floor/platform. The floor timbers issue has come up on both the WBF and the CIY FB page. The issue is the structural function of the timbers. Clint said I'd be ok but even he chimed in.

I certainly want a strong boat. I'm especially concerned about the punishment the boat will take on the trailer. I've given it a lot of thought and I've come up with a compromise of sorts. I'm going to put two floor timbers in the aft section and perhaps one or two in the forward section. I may also add some glass to the forward section. 

Leaving one of them out of the aft section (plans call for three) I'll be able to lift the forward part of the platform out with no further obstructions and give crew several more inches of leg height. I think this is a win/win.

Tonight I attached two more cross pieces, one each, on the two platform pieces. This will strengthen them. Here's the one on the forward part. 

I also glued up what will become one of the floor timbers. Plans call for 3/8" ply. Since I'm leaving out one, I'm going to double up on one of the timbers. 

You can see the one section of the flooring in the boat. I leveled it and marked it. I'll take some measurements and hopefully get the floor timbers in early this coming week. 

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