Thursday, August 25, 2022

Beetle Update

I've asked around about the powder post beetle situation. Comments have not been good. Finding a kiln and heating it up to @140-160 degrees for a day would probably kill anything in there, although it may be debatable as to whether or not it would kill eggs. 

Since they are in only one piece of wood, I don't think I'm going to stress too much over it for the time being. I did decide to take a plug out of the mast to see what I could see. I took a small hole saw and did it. I let the guide bit go in right next to one of the beetle holes. I believe I could see the track of the exit hole. I saw no other damage. I cut another plug to fill the hole. I'll epoxy it into place soon. 

Pics show both sides of the hole and both sides of the plug. Looks pretty clean. 

I may call a lumber company and see about getting them to put my mast into their kiln. 


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