I changed my mind about trimming the second garboard. I went ahead and took it down after marking the plank where it went over the line. Then I went ahead and trimmed it with the Porter Cable saw. BTW: that saw cuts really well through one board. I'll probably only cut one at a time from here on out.
Here is the trimmed plank.
Then I glued it up. I did put some strips of ply in the gap and tried to goop it up good. Just to note: I put masking tape on the inside of the joint to keep the epoxy from running through. It pulled off really easily on the first garboard. I'll be able to put more epoxy in that gap from the inside if it needs it. I'll be sanding it and putting a strip of 3" fiberglass over the joints and finally a layer of glass over the entire keel plank and garboards. The construction manual also calls for a layer of 3" glass on the inside of the joint. Should be good to go when all that is done!
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