Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Mizzen Mast

I've been laying low for the past week. Robin and I wore ourselves out doing 3 parties and the reveal in four days. However, there are several things yet to do to finish the boat.

Monday afternoon I went to work on the mizzen mast step. I cut out four small squares of ply and cut holes in each to match the diameter of the end of the mast. Then I did a trial fit before gluing them in. I used ratchet straps to position the mast in the correct orientation and rake. I just "eye-balled". That'll be good enough for me.

I did make sure it was aligned with the main mast. I think I got that one pretty straight as blogged earlier.

Here's a pic of the three straps holding it in place. 

Here's one showing the four blocks of ply being glued up. I wrapped the end of the mast in clear plastic wrap so it wouldn't stick. I was a little apprehensive about the method. The weather was quite cool, so the epoxy was a lot longer curing. In fact, after about 14 hours it was still tacky to the touch. That might have been good as I was able to get the mast out of the step. I will probably have to sand the end down slightly for an easy fit. 

I should post a pic of the step. I'll try to get that later. 

Here ya go:

It's not the prettiest thing on the boat, but it should do the trick. I may fill in those gaps at the back and side with some thickened epoxy.

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