Friday, April 15, 2022


I came home yesterday at lunchtime and was home the rest of the day. I felt like I needed to do something on the boat. I had spent a couple hours taking apart two large pallets that I had picked up at the construction site next to the church. I came out with twelve 12' 2x4's. That's about $150 in lumber. 

I ate supper, relaxed a bit, talked to Robin for a good while and then watched the Braves for a few minutes. At 10:00 I went downstairs. Over the next 2 hours I cranked out my quarterknees. I'm very satisfied with them. They came out great except for one small edge that I hit too hard with the palm sander. That will show a little bit of filler when attached. 

There were angles and bevels galore in these babies, but the fit is good. I changed out my bandsaw to a 1/4" blade to make those curved cuts: a good result.

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