My first order of business on the interior was the breasthook. I could have started elsewhere, but that was my choice.
I wanted a substantial piece of board to do it. The plans called for hardwood, but I had a 2x8 that I picked up at the same time I got the batch of cedar next to the church. This board is 1,1/2" thick, but that'll be ok.
It took me three tries cutting it out to get it half-way decent. The first try, I made an incorrect cut. The second try was better. I almost used it. I decided that I could do better. I took better care to get the angles of the bevels right. That worked pretty well. Took some work with the bandsaw and the Japanese saw (that saw is turning out to be pretty handy).
Here she is glued up.
I left it a little "proud" so that I'll be able to sand it a little rounded to conform to the gunwale a little nicer. It's not fine joinery. There will be a little "fill", but that'll have to do. ,
I did use my System Three wood flour that I ordered from Amazon. My "homemade" saw dust, even after straining, was too coarse. The new stuff made a wonderful batch of thicked epoxy. I knew I would need that to get a finer, cleaner look on the interior. It'll be worth the $18 I spent for it.