Thursday, September 15, 2022

Priming Done!

I basically finished the priming yesterday morning. Today I lightly sanded the primer coats, taped some of the edges and reinserted the removable floor boards and covered them with plastic.

I wasn't going to use tape. I usually just do edging freehand, but I have some long lines and want it to be as smooth as possible. I'll use the tape just for the first finish coat. On the second coat I'll not try to paint exactly up to the edge. 

I got a head ache and nausea painting under the seats the other day. And I still need to paint the bottom of the seats. I figured I can lay on the floor boards and do it a little easier. The plastic will save them from any drips, which would be impossible to get off should I drip or spill. I'll remove the floor boards once I do under the seats and finish the floor itself. 

I did some more work on the posts. I decided that I'll let the lower end of the mast hang from the front of the boat rather than the rear. My big boat does it this way. It makes sense seeing that the big end goes into the mast step. This meant that I had to change the height of the post because the aft seat and the front flotation tank are not the same height. I cut 6" off the taller one to make it the shorter one. Wasn't too difficult. The band saw did the trick. 

In the morning I'll be ready to go straight to painting. Should be able to do the second coat quickly on Saturday.

Oh, yeah. I primed the daggerboard also.

I'm hoping to move the boat into the yard on Sunday so that I can finish painting the exterior. I also need to locate the mizzen mast step. 

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