Saturday, February 5, 2022

Priming Done!

 A long time coming, but the priming is done! After 6 hours or more of sanding, I was able to get 3 coats of primer on between Thursday night and Friday.

Here she is ready to paint:

The blue tape is to mark off the gunwale and the rub strip which will go on the sheer plank once I turn the hull. I figured it would be better to glue them to the wood rather than primer.

Working on that first coat:

After one coat:

I pulled the tape off after 2 coats on the sheer plank. I wanted to do that while the paint was still soft so that none of it would pull up when the tape came off. The tape was .94" and hung over the next plank so I needed to remove it anyway to get to that lap. I was able to get two coats on that plank while doing the first coat on the rest of the hull. I did put more tape on for a third coat. 

And 3 coats:

The paint really shows the imperfections. There are areas where the epoxy did not sand down really smooth. I'm hoping that after a little sanding on the primer most of that will disappear. I also discovered a few nail holes not completely filled. I stuck a little thickened epoxy in them. Seems every coat revealed more holes. I wound up with a bump up by the stem. I have no idea how that got there. I must have dropped a small bit of epoxy that stuck there??? 

And the transom:

My fiberglass work leaves a little to be desired as well. It's on the bottom so it really doesn't matter.

 Can't fret over any of this. When she's done, she's going to be one pretty boat!!!! Not a show boat - but pretty nonetheless! 

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