Thursday, June 24, 2021

Frames and Transom

Three hours so far today and the frames and transom are done! How exciting!! 

Here are the frames (not in order as the boat is the biggest midship):

Here is the transom:

This is the only permanent piece of the hull so far. I had one glitch with it. When I glued it up, I guess the clamps pulled it out of "plane". You can see it when I place a straight edge on it. I thought my table would keep it straight. 

Oh, well. Not going to do it again. That board was $39! As a result of the error, the underside of the transom joint had a small gap in it - no squeeze out. I've filled it in with epoxy and it's setting up as I type. I think it will all be fine. 

Here is a shot of the batten I used to draw the curve across the top of the transom:

That worked out pretty good. 

Now it's on to the midship frame - another permanent part of the boat. Not sure whether I want to do it with solid wood or plywood. I did not order enough good plywood to do it. I may make a couple parts of the boat (stern posts and main boom sides) out of luan - oh, no! a mortal sin. I believe this would give me enough plywood to make the frame. Got to study it out a bit.


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