Thursday, November 25, 2021

Second Plank #4

Here’s a pic of the boat as she sits right now. 

I spent about 4 hours today cutting out and planing the second plank #4. All went well. The only think is that I came up too narrow at the bow again. I'm not sure why this is happening. The rest of the plank is probably the best I've done yet. It is very good. When it comes to the sheer plank, I need to get that right. 

It does look like the mistakes with the #3 plank above it are going to be smoothed over. The 1/2" gaps at the molds do not seems to be a problem. I'm going to be able to catch 1/2" lap at the bow where I was too narrow. The lap will match up the opposite side. Not too worried.

The only pic I have for this post is the little jig I made when I started planking. Thought I'd post this for the record. This is what I use to mark my 3/4" line for the bevel on the edge of the plank that accepts the lap. Simple but effective. Note the hole for the pencil. I just slide this along the edge and I've got my line.

Hopefully will get the glue up this plank one of the next two mornings. It's beveled and the gains are cut. Fit looks great (except that bow - ugh). 

I do plan on making that thickened epoxy a bit thicker. Was still a little runny last plank. Makes a mess. 

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