Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Planking Continues

I spent 5 hours yesterday and today doing the first plank #4. This plank has a downward curve which is opposite the others - a little surprising. 

The process when pretty well. Here's a pic of the connection in my spiling batten. I changed it from hot glue. I didn't trust that since my glue gun is so small. I just can't get enough glue on the board fast enough for a good hold.

Here's a pic of my ply before the first cut. Since I have to cut on the outside curve of the batten, and since that puts the batten off the ply with the 2.25" offset, I have to add some material to make the cut. Every piece has to be tacked together so there's no movement, but it works very well. The whole process of using a batten is great. It just means I'll have a pile of holes to fill before painting. 

Here's my dry-fit. I made sure this time that I put the extra "arms" at a 90 degree angel so that when the plank is away from the hull, it doesn't change its location - in other words, it's in the same position as when it's pressed down on the hull. Previously, my arms were angled up and that threw everything off. I believe that's one reason my second plank #3 came out a little skewed.

Here's the plank glued up. One little stretch of it toward the stern only caught about 3/8" of the upper plank. Hopefully the interior setup will add some strength to it. 

All in all, I'm satisfied.


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