I spent a couple more hours on the mizzen mast today. I finished the cuts on the jig. I'm afraid I made one errant cut. I believe I confused my "center" nail for my "holding" nail. I pulled the wrong one and made a cut which took slightly too much off. Fortunately, it did not totally ruined the mast, but it did make it about impossible to get it round. One side will be a little flat.
This evening I took my power planer to it and my belt sander, just like I did with the main mast. I spent an hour with them. I'm nearly done the rough work except for tapering the lower end of the mast. Once that's done, both masts will be ready for some final hand sanding and coating with spar urethane. Here's the mizzen mast, as it now looks, next to the main mast. Like the main mast, I believe it will look good (from a few feet away that is).

By the time I was near finishing, it was getting dark. I got out my router which was given to me at the same time as the band saw. I've never used it though I have used routers before. I familiarized myself with this one for a few minutes and then found a suitable bit to make a hole through my boomkin (lengthwise) which will allow the mizzen sheet to pass through. I needed a 1/2" bit for two quarter inch deep cuts in each half of the boomkin (which will give me a round, 1/2" hole when the two halves are glued together). I found the perfect bit and got it set using a scrap piece of wood. This will be much better than running it over the table saw several times which is what I did with the plug on the main mast. In that case, all that was necessary was to create a passage for water to escape should any get inside. In the case of the boomkin, a line will pass through it and it needs to be smooth to reduce wear.
In the midst of the work on the mizzen mast, I took a few minutes and cut out the pieces I will need for my yard and sprit boom. I am using select pine, which is knot free, from Lowes for the last spars. Cost $60 for 3 pieces 1x4x12. Ouch! But I will get my yard, boomkin and sprit out of them.
The length of the sprit is a little confusing on the plans. Clint gave 2 measurements. Not quite sure why. I'll have to talk with him before I cut them.
All three will need gluing up and shaping.