Friday, May 20, 2022

Some Brain Work

I've started on the aft section of the boat. It is a combination of seat, flotation chambers and lazarette.  It has been a bit confusing figuring out how all the pieces should fit together and how to size them. Like some of the other "fitting" pieces, I'm usually off some fraction of an inch. 

I spent some time attempting to get the correct line where these pieces will land on the transom. Then you have the differences in thickness of the lazarette and the flotation chambers. There are bevels, angles, pieces to fit around etc, etc.

But I made good progress the last two days. Here I am cutting out the lazarette lid. I like to use guides to get a straight cut, especially in such a visible piece.

It fit very nicely. It hit the line I had drawn on the transom and was just about square to the transom. Wonders never cease!

Of course there has to be cleats, cleats and more cleats. Here are 3 that will surround the lazarette. I also cut out the stern posts. In the pic you can see a rough shape and tickler sticks. 

Transferring the points to the plywood.

Here's the lazarette cover. I used Clint's dimensions for the lateral measurements and my measurement for the length. 

Here it is dry fitted. I'll still need to cut a cleat which will run across the lazarette about 6" from the transom. It will provide stock in which to attach the hinges for the lid of the lazarette. The aft 6" is fixed and will be the mast partner for the mizzen mast. 

Still much work to be done on this part of the boat!

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