Discovered a pretty big gaff this morning! I've been thinking all along that the aft bulkhead was low. I thought to myself that it would make a very low seat.
On the plans it is supposed to start on the same plane as the daggerboard trunk, so this morning I took a small, long board and checked. It is about 2,1/2" too low! How did that happen?
I went and looked on the plans. Remember, I built the bulkhead way back near the start of the project. Going back to the plans there is no measurement for the height of the bulkhead where the seat is supposed to be. I took a measurement from one of the landing surfaces. Presto! Wrong!
Here's a pic with the plank and a closeup of the miss.
Fortunately this will be a relatively easy fix. Actually, I have the cut out part of the bulkhead. All I've go to do is cut an overlapping part, maybe 3" wide, that will go on the inside of the bulkhead and glue it in. This might wind up helping because there was supposed to be a 1/8" recessed part of the top edge of the bulkhead which will allow for the 1/8" difference in the lid thickness vs the side tank lids. When I cut it out, I messed that up. Now I can fix it too!
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